Wednesday 26 February 2014

Defining your own exception types

I'm in a habit of creating different classes for different exceptions, as opposed to for example using RuntimeException-s or IllegalStateException-s describing details as a string in the constructor. I'm not hundred percent sure that's an ultimately better practice and recently I've watched a talk where the speaker adviced against class proliferation. True, in a language like Java, creating classes is very boilerplate. In Scala an exception class is probably half a line of code, and you can stuff a dozen in the same source file.
But, yesterday I realized there is a situation where a custom exception class comes handy. Imagine you put some validation logic in your domain class.
public class PlayerId {
    private final String id;
    public PlayerId(String id) {
        Validate.notNull(id); = id;

The Validate can be a validator class from Apache Commons or some custom class you wrote throwing IllegalArgumentException-s. At the project I'm working on right now we are using messaging and ActiveMQ as the integration solution. If there is an exception, the message is bounced back to the queue and the broker retries to deliver it a couple of times before it gives up and puts the message in the Dead Letter Queue. So if the message had a null as a player id, no matter how many times the broker retries it will always fail, but in the meantime the process consumes time and threads, possibly generating the same error log for a number of times. Instead of this if you create a( possibly abstract) n custom exception for domain problems, like

public abstract class DomainException extends RuntimeException {
    public DomainException(String msg) {

And at the entry point of your system you do a try-catch for it
try {
     // do the real thing
} catch(DomainException ex) {
    //do something, e.g. logging

Then you can catch and handle the problems where there is no chance of recovery in retrying.

Tuesday 25 February 2014


Finally, I've finished porting the code to Scala + made a wikipage on Github. By the way, Github is awesome.
So the source code:
And the Wiki:

Tuesday 18 February 2014

DDD - Modules, Subdomains, Bounded Contexts

The exact meanings of these concepts have always eluded me, until yesterday I read some chapters from Implementing Domain-Driven Design, which has shed some light on the topic. I'd like to share some thoughts I think I've learnt.


Before going to discuss subdomains, let's talk about what Domain is in general. Domain is not something we build, but something that actually exists in the world. We only try to create a Model for it. Subdomains are also something existing independently of how they are modelled (if modelled at all). If we take Amazon as an example, users can browse the purchasable items, search for specific ones, have recommendations from Amazon, etc. This is a subdomain of the whole Amazon domain, we can call it Item Catalog subdomain for now. The user can also order items, view her previous order history, and manage her orders in some ways. This is the Order subdomain. These subdomains exist regardless of how Amazon implemented its application. Even if it's one monolithic ball of mud, using a single database table for everything, these subdomains are there. One purpose of DDD is to make them explicit and visible by a code base that reflects the structure of the Domain.

Bounded Contexts

As opposed to Subdomains, BCs are defined by the developers. A BC is where a ubiquitous language applies. Classes with the same name can mean different things in different BCs in the same domain. For example User in Item Catalog is someone with a browsing history, search patterns, recommendations. In the Order subdomain User is someone associated with orders and the ordering process. They are two different aspects of the same human being. But there is a one-to-one mapping between the two, probably manifesting in the same UserId.
Ideally, there is a one-to-one mapping between a Bounded Context and a Subdomain, so once the developers identified a subdomain, they design its own Bounded Context. Unfortunately in real world applications, where the boundaries of subdomains are not well recognised, BCs and Subdomains often overlap, a BC containing one or more Subdomains, or a single Subdomain is modelled with multiple BCs, or (in the messiest case) the overlap can be only partial.
I think a BC should be one deployable artifact (e.g. a jar or war file), but Vaughn mentions BCs implemented by multiple deployables, and I'm not sure whether packing multiple BCs in one component is a bad or good idea.


Modules in Java are simply packages. A Module can contain multiple aggregates if they are cohesive enough, or just one. Modules are really a less coarse-grained, lightweight versions of Bounded Contexts.