Friday 17 March 2017

Imitating Scala Futures with Go channels (in Go and Clojure)

Scala's Future abstraction is one of my favourite feature of the language. It's simple, elegant and powerful. I make the beginner's attempt to mimic them in Go in a simplistic domain,
Let's assume we have two functions which will take some time (or http calls that naturally return Futures) and we need to aggregate their results.

The Scala way

The Go way

It's rather clunky compared to Scala's solution. But the main problem is that it's not polymorphic on the types. The same lump of code would need to be redefined every time the function signatures change.

Here is a more generic version below that uses explicit type casting.

Not the nicest code I've ever written. If only Go had generics... Any Golang expert out there who could suggest improvements?

The Clojure Way

Clojure borrowed its go-routine and channels idea from Golang. Yet the difference between the Clojure and Go versions in terms of brevity is striking. It's the result of 3 independent factors. One, Clojure is dynamically typed, hence there is no need to hassle with neither function signatures nor generics, or rather the lack of them. Two, it's a functional language. Maps and list comprehensions are way more terse than Go's for-loops. The third factor is async/go returns a channel containing the result of the function executed. Go needs to create a slice of channels first, loop through the slice of functions, create anonymous functions in go blocks where the function is executed and its result is put on the channel, ....lot's of hassle.

With generics many of Go's problems would go away. Rob Pike explicitly said, no generics, but hopefully someone will just force him or do it himself instead.

Monday 13 March 2017

Solving problems in Scala, Clojure and Go - Template Method Design Pattern

I've planning for ages to write a series of posts about comparing OO and FP solutions for common problems. In a similar vein comparing Scala and Clojure. Usually my enthusiasm doesn't survive until I have time to sit down in front of the computer out of working hours. But recently I've started to read about Go and it rekindled my interest in such mental exercises. It also gives me a nice opportunity to learn Go. Also these 3 languages are quite different, which makes these little problems even more educative.

Without further ado, here is the first one.

In OO polymorphism is achieved by inheritance. Inheritance also enables sharing data and logic sparing the developer some code duplication. It is a powerful tool, but nowadays generally regarded overused. The Template Method Design Pattern is a nice example and I've implemented it dozens (if not hundreds) of times at work. Let's see how to solve the problems it solves in languages that don't have inheritance.

The idea is to devise a toy problem, solve it in Scala (it would be the same in Java, I just want keep the boilerplate down) to demonstrate the OO-way, then come up with Clojure and Go solutions.

The Problem

Our domain has employees who can fall into 2 broad categories, Office Workers and Field Workers. Their base salary and the calculation of how their years at the company contribute to their salary are different. I let the code speak for itself.

Scala/OO solution

Plain and simple for a OO developer.

Clojure solution

No inheritance, obviously and no types either. Therefore the toString and salary functions are not defined on types, but the entity maps are passed as arguments. Another solution could have been using protocols and defrecords, that would have yielded a more OO-like solution. However for a single function it seemed to be an overkill.

Go solution

It took me some time to come up with a solution. I Go there are no abstract classes or virtual methods. This required me to define to a separate employee interface and a baseEmployee struct. And I couldn't attach the salary method to the interface either, even though it has both the yearContribution() and the baseSalary() methods on it. It is not necessarily a problem, this could be idiomatic in Go.